In today’s volatile used vehicle market, optimal profitability is never the result of a single move. Instead, it comes from better decisions throughout the inventory lifecycle. That’s why the most successful dealers use ProfitTime® GPS and Variable Management for more effective sourcing, more consistent appraising, and more purposeful pricing. And they get the results to prove it.
Better Method. Better Results.
While most dealers saw an increase in gross profit from 2019 to 2022, those who switched to Variable Management performed even better. A lot better! Now imagine how critical that increased performance will be in the more demanding market conditions that are sure to come.
from Q3 2019 to Q3 2022
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Variable Management Calculator
Enter your number from last month, and we'll show you what this level of increased performance means in real dollars to your bottom line.
This is an estimate based on how dealers who've already made the move to Variable Management have outperformed dealers who still practice Velocity. If you want to dive deeper into these numbers and how they relate to your specific situation, let's talk!
Discuss your resultsTalk to an expert today to see how you too can perform above and beyond expectations with ProfitTime GPS — the Global Profitability Solution.
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